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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In an attempt to prove that he is not a girl, Bobby Crosby has grown a beard. Spring Training has started which is quite exciting for me and my household. Well, just me really. Melissa is kind of indifferent and Bauer is more of a football fan.

In other news that is pretty inconsequential when compared to real-world (not the TV show) things is the fact that 24 has taken yet another step in keeping the black man down. I was appalled when they killed Palmer, bummed when Curtis took a bullet, but now little Palmer. Are you kidding? The British dude can get a drill in the back, kidnapped by terrorists, and fight an alcohol addiction, and still function as a CTU agent, but the moment a black man takes a step to assert himself, the writers say enough is enough and have him killed. Weak. I bet Wayne will pull this one out but he should know that his days are numbered.

Today's video clip is the sequel to the original Elemarniak. It was made as an announcement video and is quite lame/funny. It was filmed in early 2000.


Unknown said...

A comment a day keeps the doldrums away (or something like that):

Down with 24.

Anonymous said...

such genius and at such a young age... i thought the bree and kyle appearance was quite prophetic.