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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

No baby name ideas for today. The well is dry. Actually, not really, but I need to write a paper so I don't have time to be particularly creative.

Melissa has been doing well and currently, our child is roughly the size of a lentil bean. Melissa has a book that shows, day-by-day, what the fetus looks like as it is developing. It is equal parts fascinating and frightening. The fetus has some freak, alien-looking, stages.

We took Bauer to Shadow Cliffs on Saturday. The weather was super nice. Here are a couple pictures.
Aside from the swamp water, the place is kind of nice.

Supposedly the Giants are going to be going after A-Rod next year. That would be pretty funny. Baseball season starts on Sunday. I can't wait.

In related news, VBC softball begins April 6th at 9pm. We are playing on Friday nights again. Be there as we try to defend our 2nd place title!


Charlie said...

bets part of the picture is tyler trying to catch something. makes me laugh really hard. wasn't that the game they crippled tom? awesome.

Charlie said...

what about lentil? in honor of how big it is now. that would be cute. then if he's witty people would say "Le-Bo's got wits!" and people would call him Lebowitz and he could be a banker or film producer or something else that normal gentile's don't have a chance of being.