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Friday, October 19, 2007
The Day I Betrayed Myself (In a moment of weakness, one can find strength)
Matt's betrayal was easy to swallow. Shaun's shaving, though weak and misguided, was permissible by most accounts. Charles' insubordination, though passive aggressive and slightly hedonistic, was at best, disheartening. I was even okay when Tony and Justin trimmed up. But this??? How could I have seen this coming. In a moment of self-realization, an inner conflict that I had been toiling through came to a head. Is my manhood, and more importantly, my role as a father, personified in the reddish follicles that carpet my cheeks? At one point I may have said yes and then in the next breath denied the very thought. I heard rumors that Deej would shave on Sunday. The enemy had taken him as well. What was I to do? Carry on this chauvinistic, testosterone-laden quest as my fellow comrades fell, one by one. I thought I could. I mean, I really tried, but ultimately even I came up short. I became what I hated. The video below will better display the struggle that I am failing to clearly articulate:
I have yet to listen to the video because I am still at work. I had to stop watching out of embarrassment, as the tears rolled down my cheeks, and got lost in the dark foliage that has been dedicated to ***********. I feel betrayed, and lost as I try to make my way to the end of this mission without my sworn leader to guide the way.
The sad day I thought would only come after the birth of your child has come too soon. I had such high hopes...such adoration for those of you venturing into a world ignorant of razors that rid the face of hair follicles. Are their none who continue to proceed with the mission? Who will be the one to show ********** what dedication is? What it means to follow through with a goal? It is too overwhelming at this particular moment to contemplate...
you're dead to me now. -- nicole
crying i'm laughing so hard. i feel as though a load of guilt has been lifted from my heart. welcome home dan, welcome home.
even better with sound. i feel like our friendship is more secure now, if that makes you feel better.
I have yet to listen to the video because I am still at work. I had to stop watching out of embarrassment, as the tears rolled down my cheeks, and got lost in the dark foliage that has been dedicated to ***********. I feel betrayed, and lost as I try to make my way to the end of this mission without my sworn leader to guide the way.
My beard is no longer for you, but instead for me now, and the world, to show that it can be done.
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Thank you for the laugh.
You are a brave man.
The sad day I thought would only come after the birth of your child has come too soon. I had such high hopes...such adoration for those of you venturing into a world ignorant of razors that rid the face of hair follicles. Are their none who continue to proceed with the mission? Who will be the one to show ********** what dedication is? What it means to follow through with a goal? It is too overwhelming at this particular moment to contemplate...
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