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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!

Melissa and I bought season 1 of Friday Night Lights right after Tate was born and have pretty much finished it in the week that we have been home. I read an article online by one of my favorite writers praising the show so I decided to give it a try. It is a pretty amazing show and I highly recommend it (if you liked the movie or not). It reminds me of Freaks & Geeks a bit which is probably why I like it so much. It is more of a social commentary and story about life than one about football. Enough shameless advertising. Yesterday Tate picked his nose. Though I was not there to view it, it still makes me quiet proud. Below you will find the proof. In addition to digging for gold, he can wave and even opens his eyes occasionally. He is growing up! Happy 2-week birthday Tate!

It only took 2 weeks.
He is very serious. Seriously.

By the way, Allison won our baby guessing game that was posted on the blog. However, the site's scoring system was funky. Allison guessed that Tate would weigh 15 pounds. Maybe she thought the question was, "how much would 2 Tate's weight?" Anyway, congrats Allison. And, while we are on the topic of cheaters...Jake put in his guess while Melissa was in labor. Cheaters never prosper Jake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe nobody's commented on that adorable outfit! i mean really :) Jk. thanks for the text message melissa, he's so adorable! Hopefully we'll see you soon, and let me know if you want me to bring Peet over and tire Bauer out for ya :)