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Monday, March 03, 2008

The Boo Boo Lip

Tate likes listening to me play guitar. He likes watching TV (though we do not intentionally let him do so). However, he is not a fan out high pitch noises. Case in point: Below you will find my favorite picture of him that we have taken so far. The fire truck toy in the pictures makes a high pitch siren noise. Apparently he doesn't like it. Like his father before him, it is unlikely he will become a firefighter. I took a ton of pictures this weekend and will post them throughout the week and will have some more video up as well.
Grandpa must be so proud!


Anonymous said...

umm, when did bauer grow horns? Thanks for letting Peet and I come over yesterday. We had so much fun and I loved catching up with you guys and seeing Tate. Peet is still tired. Mission accomplished. We'll have to do it again.

Anonymous said...

look at his face! priceless:D you captured the moment. congrats

Anonymous said...

First time I ever saw that baby frown, cute as he can be. EB