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Friday, January 02, 2009

Big Brother

Tate is going to be a big brother. Melissa is due in August, but most of you already know this. We are both really excited to be adding another member t our family. Here is a fun video from Christmas morning as well as the picture that we showed everyone.

Christmas Morning Surprise from dan bowen on Vimeo.


Megan said...

That is so awesome! I love watching the Mom's reactions! I was wondering if there was going to be an announcement like this soon... congrats guys!

Anonymous said...


Your mom's reaction (the look followed by the scream) is, as Master Card would say, PRICELESS!!!!

Could you and Mel have a little talk with Kevin and Shannon please!!

Charlie's Dad

Ryan D. Pleau said...

Congrats guys! not foreshadowing, but this came to mind:
