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Saturday, November 01, 2008


So this year marks Tate's second official Halloween! Although this was the first time we actually dressed him up. He was an adorable Hippo! Tate and I started off the morning by heading over to my school for the Halloween Parade. He loved seeing all of th kids dressed up and waved to everyone watching! He was quite the hit with all of my students! I loved having Halloween off to spend with Tate.
Later that night we headed over to visit Great Uncle Tony and Great Aunt Janet we even skyped Great Grandma and Grandpa Conley so they could see Tate all dressed up. We then made our way to Grandma and Grandpa Bowen's to show off our little Hippo! After Grandma and Grandpa Bowen's, we (Tate and I) went to Jen and Jeff Freitas's House to take pictures and trick-or-treat with Bradley, Ashley, Baby Andrew, Stacey, Amy, Dan, Carol and Katie. Tate even got to trick-or-treat at cousin Josh's new house! As if we didn't do enough, we ended the night at the Morse's for a yummy barbecue with Jen, Allison, Laura, Lacey, McKenna, Ashely, Uncle Chris, Tyler, Chad, Charlie, Jake, Melissa and Addie. To say the least we had a fun and eventful Halloween! Tate was a trooper too! Dan got to teach all day and then work all evening getting ready for a fun filled Halloween night with the junior high students. They started the night off at the church and ended at the ice rink for a game of broom ball. We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable Halloween as well!


Team Argo said...

Tateopotomos!!! That is an AWESOME outfit! Great pics ya'll! He is the coolest hippo out there for sure! Much love, the Argo's

{B} said...

I love his costume! He is way cute!