Life in the Bowen household has been flying by! Lyla is already 4 weeks old and is getting big quickly! She went to a well check doctors appt. today and weighs 10 lbs. 11 oz. (89%), she is 21 1/4 inches long (50%) and her head is 14 3/8 (32%). Not bad for under a month old! Tate is doing great as a big brother. He loves to give Lyla huggies and kisses. He often asks to "hold her" and quickly changes his mind saying, "no, mommy do it!"
Two kids is a lot of work but also a lot of fun! We are so thankful for our families! I'm not sure what we would have done without their help?? I know that I'm especially thankful for being so close to both of them! Enjoy the pictures!
Chubby Cheeks!
Looking at my Daddy
Hanging out!
A proud Dad for sure!
Squeeze in...
Tate giving Daddy a kiss (not Lyla :-)
Funny Face!
Two kids and a rocking chair! Can I say super mom :-)
Silly boy!
Stay tuned for more...
Two kids is a lot of work but also a lot of fun! We are so thankful for our families! I'm not sure what we would have done without their help?? I know that I'm especially thankful for being so close to both of them! Enjoy the pictures!
Chubby Cheeks!
Looking at my Daddy
Hanging out!
A proud Dad for sure!
Squeeze in...
Tate giving Daddy a kiss (not Lyla :-)
Funny Face!
Two kids and a rocking chair! Can I say super mom :-)
Silly boy!
Stay tuned for more...