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Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Last night I went to see Mae with my brother and Jake. Laura Wetmore went too. We ate sushi first. I like sushi (don't tell 10 year old me that I said that). This is about the gazillionth time that I have seen Mae but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Between the Trees, The Honorary Title, and Far-Less opened for them. Between the Trees was amazing. Sounded just like their CD. I highly recommend them for your listening pleasure. I had X-Rays on my wrist yesterday for an injury that I incurred during last Friday's softball game (against an all deaf team no less). They spanked us. The preliminary diagnosis is that I have a sprained wrist. Same one I have broken twice. Looks like I am headed to the DL. Hicks and I are putting together a blog for our softball team.That will be up shortly. I let a student (junior girl) borrow my copy of the book we are reading for class yesterday. I saw her giggling and truning to the other students around her to show them my book. Confused, I started to apporach her. And then it hit me. I had written my phone number on the front, inside cover of the book (a habit I developed in college). Long story short...I have been receiving random text messages for the past couple days from unrecognized numbers. Lesson learned - high schoolers can't be trusted. That leaves me with about 13 more years of being able to trust Tate.


Anonymous said...

how advanced you are for junior year. i had to read that for a class my freshman year of college.

lauren said...

did you ever get the list of names i sent you.
and i love honorary title.

Anonymous said...

that's one of my favorite books!!